Rio Argento Walk

Scritto il 14/04/2023
da GrowApp S.r.l.

From Tarvisio, follow the Via Romana along the upper edge of the town, take the Via delle Pinete that heads uphill near the Palazzo Forestale.

After a few minutes this comes to a crossroad near the Parco Cervi.

From here take the path on the left through the woods, and after a short climb, continue for some distance along the level path next to the fence around the “Azienda faunistica dei monti Palla e Borgo”.

Along the route you can admire the splendid panorama of the valley from the shade of the surrounding forest, mainly consisting of Norway spruce,
beech and Scots pine.

After reaching another junction in the path, continue to the left where the path slopes down across a small bridge.

Shortly afterwards the path joins the Ciclovia Alpe-Adria (cycle route), where you can continue towards Camporosso, or return towards Tarvisio.