The Flora

Scritto il 14/04/2023
da GrowApp S.r.l.

The area of Val Canale has a very complex plant ecology due to the great variety of ecological conditions and the significant climatic and geological variation.

The morphology of the area also causes further variation due to the exposure of the slopes, some facing north and some facing south, and the different altitudes, which affect the temperature.

Above the town of Tarvisio, on the southern slopes of Mount Borgo (1268 m.), there is a mixed forest of resinous and broad-leaved trees with Scots pine, Norway spruce and beech.

The distribution of individual species varies according to the different conditions, which change from East to West and from the valley to the higher slopes.

There are many species of flowers to be found: primroses, cyclamens, daisies and daffodils in the meadows of the valley, cyclamens, lilies and orchids half way up the slopes, and gentians and edelweiss in the higher rocky areas.

There is a rich variety of species, typical of an environment like Tarvisio, on the border between the Alps, the Dinaric Alps and the Balkans.