Monte Borgo (Bürgerwald) walk

Scritto il 14/04/2023
da GrowApp S.r.l.


From the Via Romana in Tarvisio,follow the road (via delle Pinete) that heads uphill near the Palazzo Forestale.

After about ten minutes you will come to the Parco Cervi. From here, heading towards the right, you will find the start of the path that leads up the slopes of Monte Borgo.

Shortly before the Parco Cervi, cross the bridge over the Borgo River and go up the path with the wooden steps.

This heads uphill through the woods on the slopes, which are particularly interesting for the remarkable examples of ancient Norway spruce and beech trees.

This section through the woods offers remarkable views of the panoramas towards the city of Tarvisio and across the Mangart, Ponze, Priesnig and Florianca mountains.

From here, continue through the forest with its many species of trees (Norway spruce, Scots pine, beech and rowan) before heading slightly downhill until you reach the well-indicated crossroads at 825m.

Here you should leave the road and continue along the easy path that heads downhill throughout the forest.

You will soon reach the Via Romana (alt. 770), near the church of San Michele in the middle of Tarvisio.

This is where the route back towards Tarvisio begins, along an easy road through the houses.

It should take you about half an hour to reach the point you started from.