The Alpe-Adria cycle route

Scritto il 14/04/2023
da GrowApp S.r.l.


This is the first instance of public property that had been abandoned being given back to the local area as a tourist attraction.

The railway line which the cycle route was built on was a masterpiece of engineering.

It was constructed between the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century, and was a remarkable achievement given the difficulties of the time.

Thanks to the enthusiasm of the authorities and an awareness of the enormous potential of the plan, the cycle route was completed in 1999 through the support of the Provincial council of Presodent Cav. Melzi and through the untiring efforts of Renato Carlantoni, at that times councillor for Transport, it was possible to acquire the Coccau- Gemona del Friuli section of the route using funds totalling 3 billion Lire provided by the Provincia, much to the surprise of all those who thought the whole idea was nothing more than a utopia.

The subdivision of the route into several sections made work on the route easier and the project has also benefited from funds from the Regione FVG.

The Alpe-Adria cycle route is considered to be one of the most evocative of its kind in Europe, and it is a real jewel in the crown for the tourist facilities in the local area.

At the moment the route starts from Tarvisio and heads east to the borders with Austria, Slovenia and south until Grado.

The Alpe-Adria cycle route can also be walked, and thus offers the chance for many pleasant strolls, surrounded by nature and far from city traffic.