Location and Climate

Scritto il 14/04/2023
da GrowApp S.r.l.

The  town of Tarvisio is situated 754 meters above sea level, nestled among the mountains of the Carnic Alps to the north, and the Julian Alps to the south-east.

It is just a few kilometres from the Austrian and Slovenian borders.

The position of the valley, running from east to west, and the climatic influence of central Europe, create a particular local climate that can be described as alpine, with fresh summers and winters that are rainy, cold and snowy.

The alpine climate is characterised by a great variability and climatic instability according to the altitude, the north-south direction of the internal valleys and the sun exposure.

Guida_Turistica_-_Tarvisio Guida_Turistica_-_Tarvisio